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Our Story

Die Entstehungsgeschichte von MOVET


The beginnings of MOVET 

Bye, Bye Meetings

"Schüßler, the next appointment is the day after tomorrow. Can you make it?" It was only at that moment that Hans Schüßler was back in the here and now. In meeting room C, the one with the thick blue curtains and the musty smell. As so often, he had asked himself what he was doing here. The last time he had time for a client was days ago. The hours in the group were eaten up by office stuff and meetings.

Schüßler had worked for the company for six years. His real passion - advising customers and selling them conveyor belts - came less and less often. So it became more and more difficult for him to go to work motivated every day.

The last conversation
December 1994, a new manager invited everyone for an interview. It was the same procedure as almost every year. After about 9 months, some manager for Europe was replaced. Then it was back to Adam and Eve. With ideas that were anything but new, with ideas that no one could live up to. Shortly before Christmas, Schüßler also had his interview. He listened to everything, stood up, turned to the door and knew what to do.

The Plan
He had to get out of the rat race and take things into his own hands. He already had a strong partner in mind. A small company from Scandinavia. Not only did they make plastic straps, they had, more importantly, the right attitude. These people cared about their customers. Focused on their orders and made a down-to-earth, uncomplicated impression.

No money in the bank
The decision was made for him. He had already written his resignation. Now only his wife had to say yes. But this yes was connected with many concerns. The house and car belonged to the bank. As the sole breadwinner, Hans Schüßler provided for the family. Mrs. Schüßler took care of the two children. The third child was on the way. Mrs. Schüßler remembers "I was afraid. He brought the money home. And now he wanted to take this risk. But what was I supposed to do? Continue to watch my husband become more and more unhappy? No. We had to dare."

Schüßler said goodbye to the company and became self-employed. He had one year, for which they would receive a start-up grant from the state. Then the business had to be profitable.

The early days
At the beginning, Hans Schüßler saw more slammed doors than faces. Back in the car, he drummed on the steering wheel. He cursed briefly, gritted his teeth and continued his tour. "After what felt like the 100th conversation, I really didn't know what to do. But there was no turning back," Hans Schüßler says today. The secure job was gone.

No time for eating
He would then put on his smile again for the next potential buyer. Overnight stays in the car were frequent. Late in the evening, there was no hotel to be found. During the day, it was back to field work. Eating? It was easily forgotten. His wife could not stand by and watch. She placed homemade sandwiches in the car. Little notes would say "Eat me at 10" or "Hungry? Yes, you are!

The first successes
After just under a year, the first successes began to appear, shortly before the start-up grant expired. The orders increased. Prospects became customers and customers became regulars. The solutions he presented worked. This is how the MOVET story began.

MOVET today
In 2019, MOVET has over 2500 customers and sells over 5000 articles via the online shop. Modular belts can be assembled directly in the configurator. Bureaucracy is diligently avoided. Processes are automated.

Mr Schüßler is still out in the field. And meetings? There are hardly any. Employees decide for themselves. This makes many meetings superfluous.



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